Topics of Interest

Architecture: antebellum architecture, architecture that incorporates extensive electronic components, architecture that merges seemingly disparate styles, atomic age architectural design, Baroque architecture, bionic architecture, Burj Khalifa, civic engineering, contemporary architecture, contemporary gothic architecture, Googie architecture, gothic architecture, green architecture, industrial architecture, lighting design in architecture, skyscraper design, supertall skyscrapers, urban planning

Art and writing: algorithmic art, antebellum fiction and poetry, aquapunk writing, art that incorporates industrial motifs, atomic age design, Baroque art, bioart, biopunk writing, body modification art, code poetry, contemporary American poetry, contemporary fairy tales, contemporary installation art, cyberart, cyberpoetry, cyberpunk writing, dieselpunk writing, futuristic fashion, Googie art, goth fashion, gothic art, industrial photography, Ken Rinaldo, literary science fiction, literary tales of vampirism, literary tales of witchcraft, Lovecraftian writing, magical realism, middle eastern literature, modern and contemporary American literature, multimedia art, nanopunk writing, Natasha Vita More, Neil Harbisson, Neri Oxman, paleoart, performance art, posthuman art, posthuman fiction and poetry, radical fashion design, retro fashion, retrofuturism, retro science fiction, robots as art, sexuality in literature, Simon Stålenhag, speculative poetry, synthpop and electronic dance music, tattoo art, the femme fatale in literature, the gothic, the literature of monsters, the weird, utopian science fiction, writing inspired by atomic age design, writing that explores machine consciousness, writing that explores the interplay between danger and desire, writing that merges seemingly disparate genres, Yayoi Kusama

Chemistry: chemical kinetics, computational chemistry, computational protein folding, conductive polymers, flux balance analysis, industrial chemical manufacturing, inorganic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, molecular orbital theory, organic supramolecular chemistry, organic synthesis, organometallic chemistry, PEDOT, quantum chemistry, solid state chemistry, statistical thermodynamics

Earth and space sciences: astrobiology, biogeochemistry, black holes, caves, desert ecology, dinosaurs, evolution of early mammals, exotic atmospheric phenomena, galactic superclusters, large-scale structure of the universe, marine biology, Mars, Neptune, ocean chemistry, paraceratherium, physical processes in stars, prehistoric sea creatures, telescopes, troglodytic organisms, tropical ecology, tundra ecology, underwater caves, urban ecology, velociraptors

Economics: American economic system, economics as ecology, economics of healthcare, entrepreneurship, Japanese economics, macroeconomics, mathematical finance, microeconomics, Scandinavian economics

Electrical engineering and computer science: algorithm design, applied probability, computational approaches to solving ordinary and partial differential equations, computational geometry, computer architecture, curve fitting and optimization, embedded systems, flexible electronics, graph algorithms, high-performance computing, k-means clustering algorithms, manifold learning, MATLAB, memristors, microelectronics, nanoelectronics, neuromorphic engineering, nonlinear dimensionality reduction, optoelectronics and photonics, Python, reinforcement learning, RF circuit design, semiconductor devices, supercomputer architecture, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, VLSI design

History: Abrahamic mythology and its ties to historical trends, F. Scott Fitzgerald, historical demonology, historical perspectives on romantic love, historical perspectives on the concept of monsters, historical perspectives on witchcraft, history of American literature, history of American poetry, history of architecture, history of biomedicine, history of chemistry, history of computers and electronics, history of feminism, history of Halloween, history of mathematics, history of middle eastern literature, history of modern and contemporary art, history of science fiction, history of skyscrapers, the Cold War

Humanities: academic perspectives on popular culture, academic perspectives on sanity and insanity, academic perspectives on synthpop and electronic dance music as well as their associated cultures, American politics, culture of the American South, demonology, digital humanities, future studies, gender studies, Japanese politics, perspectives on the relationship between genius and insanity as a psychosocial and cultural phenomenon, posthuman studies, romantic love as a psychosocial and cultural phenomenon, sexuality studies, structure and culture of criminal organizations, studies on contemporary Japanese culture, study of robots as a sociocultural phenomenon, study of vampires as a sociocultural phenomenon, study of witchcraft as a sociocultural phenomenon, queer studies, the femme fatale

Mathematics: abstract algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, calculus of variations, category theory, chaos theory, combinatorics, complex analysis, complex and hypercomplex geometry, convexity, differentiable and smooth manifolds, differential forms, differential geometry, dynamical systems, exotic spheres, Fourier analysis, fractal geometry, fractional calculus, functional analysis, geometric analysis, graph theory, group theory, harmonic analysis, high-dimensional sphere packing, hypercomplex numbers, independent component analysis, integral equations, knot theory, linear programming, measure theory, number theory, numerical analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations, principal component analysis, probability theory, random graphs, real analysis, set theory, stochastic geometry, surgery theory, tensors, tools from linear algebra, topological data analysis, topological manifolds, topology, tropical geometry, very large numbers

Molecular and synthetic biology: Adeno-associated viruses, bioactive natural products, bioinformatics, cardiac developmental biology, cardiac molecular biology, catalytic and regulatory RNAs, cell signaling, cell-based therapeutics, cytoskeleton, directed evolution, engineering logic gates using synthetic gene regulatory pathways, epigenetics and gene regulation, gastrointestinal physiology, gene therapy, glycobiology and glycomics, HIV biology, inorganic biochemistry, limb development, lipidomics, membrane biology, metabolic engineering, metabolomics, molecular biology of aquatic organisms, molecular biology of fungi, molecular biology of muscles, molecular biology of vesicles and vesicular trafficking, molecular biology of yeast, molecular biology techniques, molecular endocrinology, molecular entomology, molecular genetics of bacteria, molecular immunology, molecular mechanobiology, nanopore sequencing, next-generation sequencing, organ-on-a-chip technologies, protein engineering, protein folding, proteomics, regenerative biology, specialized PCR variants, specialized forms of gel electrophoresis, structural biology, subnuclear organelles, the Golgi apparatus, the microbiome, tissue engineering, transcriptomics, virology

Nanotechnology: bioconjugation, bionanotechnology, carbon nanotubes, crystalline lattices for nanotechnology, DNA origami and other DNA nanotechnology, gold nanoparticles for biotechnology, graphene, mass production of nanotechnology, nanoelectronics, nanomechanics, nanorobotics, nanoscale membranes, nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems, optical interfacing with nanoscale systems, polymer engineering, quantum dots, quantum tunneling in nanotechnology, rotaxanes and catenanes, self-assembly, self-replicating machines, supramolecular chemistry, upconversion nanoparticles, using proteins as components within nanotechnological systems

Neuroscience: affective neuroscience, amygdala, application of X-ray microscopy to neuroscience, applications of higher mathematics to neuroscience (i.e. algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, category theory, etc.), applications of nanotechnology to neuroscience, applications of signal processing to neuroscience, auditory cortex, bioinspired artificial intelligence and robotics, biophysical theory of dendritic voltage propagation, brain-machine interfaces, cephalopod neurobiology, cerebellar circuitry, cerebral organoids, computations in the primary motor cortex, connectomics, contrast agent design, developmental neurobiology, engineering new types of electrodes and optrodes, enteric nervous system, expansion microscopy, graph theoretic models of neuronal connectivity, Hodgkin-Huxley models, honeybee cognition, image processing for 3D reconstruction of neuronal microanatomy, information processing in the peripheral nervous system, injectable electronics, insect sensory neurobiology, interactions of materials with brain tissue, light-sheet microscopy for neuroscience, mathematical models of synaptic potentiation, mechanisms of information coding in neural systems, microinsect neurophysiology (i.e. parasitoid wasps), molecular biology of the synapse, morphological diversity of neurons, MRI and fMRI, multielectrode arrays, neural circuits in the spinal cord, neural dust, neural mass models, neuroacarology, neurobiology of exotic arthropods, neuroendocrinology, neuroimmunology, neuroinformatics, neuromodulators, neuromuscular interactions, neuromyrmecology, NEURON, neurophysics, neuroscience of glial cells, neuroscience of language, neuroscience of reptiles, neurotechnology, noncoding RNAs in the brain, nucleus accumbens, optogenetics, phenomenological models of single neurons, retinal computations, reward system, RNA-seq for characterizing neurons, simulating large populations of multicompartmental Hodgkin-Huxley-type neurons, spider neurobiology, synthetic neurobiology, thalamus, tool development for connectomics, two-photon microscopy for neuroscience

Philosophy: affective philosophy, bioethics, epistemology, ethics of animal suffering, ethics of cerebral organoids, ethics surrounding machine consciousness, existentialism, extropianism, feminist philosophy, monism, ontology, panpsychism, philosophical definitions of the body, philosophy of art, philosophy of gender and sexuality, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of science, philosophy of technology, philosophy regarding the fundamentals of good and evil, posthumanism, rational romanticism, romanticism, transhumanism, utilitarianism and deontology

Physics: computational physics, differential geometry of spacetime, diffusion, electrodynamics, general relativity, high energy physics, long-term fate of the universe, M-theory, metallurgy, optics, physical theory of protein folding, polymer physics, quantum computing, quantum field theory, quantum mechanics, radio frequency physics, solid state physics, solid state quantum mechanics, solid state thermodynamics, string theory, theory of classical mechanics, thermodynamics, topological matter, X-ray physics


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